Monday, March 05, 2007

I am so happy with my new camera.

I almost went with the comperable Nikon, it felt better in my hand, but in the end, I went with the canon. Price was definitely a factor here, and since this camera was available at for less than $500 without a lens, I couldn’t pass it up. I already have a lens that would work and is better than the kit lens that would come with the camera anyway, so I just decided to get it.

The nikon was nice when I went to a bricks and mortar store to check them out, but it has a serious flaw. The auto-focus motor is in the lens on the Nikon, meaning if you want to buy a lens in the future, they will be more expensive. It’s also only 6 MP, which I know doesn’t mean all that much, but it is a difference. I’m also familiar and comfortable with Canon cameras.

Check back for more pics, or you can check out my flickr page!

canon DSLR

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

apple tv still not available!

I'm still waiting for this to come out.

Apple TV at »

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